Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011

Cover of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart...

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011: From Denny: Check out blog posts on photography, arts, food, news, politics, a huge amount of humor - especially the political pundits, poetry, astronomy, quotes, music, spiritual and just about anything else that catches my eclectic interest. Can you tell that 140 characters just doesn't work for me? :)

The last posts roundup I did was back in June and we sure are overdue like a long pregnancy. Be sure to bookmark this post as you will enjoy endless hours of laughing while you absorb some good information.

Most of the blog posts are at my flagship blog that spun off into the other 20, The Social Poets, where the news crashes into humor. I even manage to write a few in-depth news posts, slicing and dicing the BS that passes for truth these days on the airwaves.

And to think I do all this in my spare time... Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Social Poets: A Protesters Poem: For Love Of Country

OAKLAND, CA - OCTOBER 13:  Occupy Wall Street ...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeThe Social Poets: A Protesters Poem: For Love Of Country: From Denny: Recognizing all those who display the courage to raise their voices against tyranny and greed. Dedicated to the global Occupy Wall Street protesters and the Middle East Arab Spring protests.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Calling In Sick To Your Boss: 15 Funniest New Excuses

Claiming your young daughter stole your car is just one of many bizarre excuses to miss work.

Dennys Funny Quotes: Calling In Sick To Your Boss: 15 Funniest New Excuses: From Denny: When you don't feel like going in to work, pull out your little Black Book Of Funny Excuses. Well, there is a new edition in town since a career survey was conducted.

During the colder weather of autumn and winter most people call in sick due to illness like colds and flu. Illness accounts for 39 percent of employees missing in action, according to the survey.

But then there are the creative types who just want an excuse to spend more time with their families. Others just want to spend more time in bed because the weather is too crappy to deal with. Or the procrastinators realize they need to get in some last minute holiday shopping.

So, what hilarious excuses are this generation of employees offering up as savory mind candy to their bosses? If I were their boss I would give them the day off just for creativity and the boldness to try to sell something so absolutely ridiculous.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Too Funny: Watch Bird on Car Windshield Wiper

Bird on BirdImage by ~Sage~ via Flickr
and yet another odd bird...

Dennys Funny Quotes: Too Funny: Watch Bird on Car Windshield Wiper: From Denny: Watch carefully and focus upon the tiny bird perched on the windshield wiper blade just above the steering wheel of the car. This crazy bird just - literally - rolls with it!

Like that old 1988 song by Steve Winwood called "Roll With It." Make sure to start the song before you watch the bird.
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The Social Poets: Report: Up For Auction, Who Is Buying Up Our State Judges?

On the AirImage by M.V. Jantzen via FlickrThe Social Poets: Report: Up For Auction, Who Is Buying Up Our State Judges?: From Denny: Author Charles Hall, of the report "Justice At Stake, Interest Groups Dominate Judicial-Election Spending " and Landon Rowland, Chairman Emeritus of the Janus Capital Group discuss America's bought government and the rapid pace to buy up our legal system on the Dylan Ratigan Show.

Our politics are rigged and now our legal system, via state court elections, is getting bought up as well by money interests. The federal system of judges have to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate but the state and county level is far easier to purchase - with no oversight to detect it or enforce if judges have been compromised.

The danger is that money interests are frantically busy right now buying up state and county judges for influence and arm twisting so they can win in court. It's the Koch Brothers, and other special interest groups, who figured out that the majority of the law in America is decided on the smaller legal levels and they seek to corrupt that system.
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