Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Social Poets: Comedy Gods Deliver Rape Advocates? Akin 4 Senate, Ryan 4 White House

The Social Poets: Comedy Gods Deliver Rape Advocates? Akin 4 Senate, Ryan 4 White House: From Denny:  The Comedy Gods have been busy.  First they struck their magic wands onto the tongue of Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), who is running for the Missouri Senate, and caused him to speak his true mind about his definition of what is rape and what is not.

Then the Comedy Gods touched off a firestorm among America's women - and many men - who were resoundingly insulted by his callous ill-informed remarks about the traumatic event of rape.  As usual, these conservatives are also wrong on the medical facts as Akin was quick to quote as if it were true....

... This asinine story exploded all over the national news rooms where a number of journalists with some real integrity spoke up and condemned Akin.  If you thought it couldn't become a bigger story, then some dick wad journalist thought he should play The Devil's Advocate and actually stepped up to defend Todd Akin.  He received a resounding beat down on Twitter.  

2012 Voter Outrage Men's Fitted T-Shirt

Check out the voter letter to our politicians and share with the world.

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Social Poets: The Whole Truth, Funny Jon Stewart On VP Joe Bidens Wall Street Financial Slavery Speech

English: Joe Biden, Vice President of the Unit...
English: Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States. Svenska: Joe Biden, amerikansk vicepresident. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: The Whole Truth, Funny Jon Stewart On VP Joe Bidens Wall Street Financial Slavery Speech: From Denny:  Me thinks the conservative media doth protest too much.  Yep, they sure are laying it on thick for VP Papa Joe Biden's accurate comment about how the middle and working classes are chained into financial slavery because of the Big Banks and Big Business corporations that are clearly still out of control.

Since this is a nasty presidential campaign where all name-calling and outright lying is utilized by the GOP campaign in particular, they thought they could win some brownie points going after Affable Joe.

Yeah, like that silly attack stuck.  The man sports a Teflon suit, always has and always will.  He's been that popular with regular people - and Teflon fashionable for decades as a real public servant.

The media that jumps on him are the Lapdog Press - and political strategists - owned outright by the likes of the consummate puppeteers:  greedy billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Fox "News" Rupert Murdock.  Hollow opinions from the disingenuous contain no merit and certainly carry no weight with the voters, especially the elderly that trust Biden on issues like Medicare.

Funny Black Cats Coffee Men's Fitted T-Shirt

Not ready for the world before your cup of joe? "Quit hissing - COFFEE's brewing!"

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

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Friday, August 17, 2012

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls

Thank You

The Fish girls:  Alice, left and Natalie, right -  Source:  Fishes For Marrow Wishes-Sisters

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls: From Denny:  It's time to stop the madness along with the childish political campaign bickering.  Americans don't want to hear it anyway.  There are bigger issues at stake like the lives of these two seriously ill little girls from Utah, Natalie and Alice Fish.  In light of what this one American family is enduring should shame all the national politicians who are so self-absorbed they have not stopped long enough to notice.

I'm so disgusted with the 2012 election's childish name-calling tone and enabling media encouraging it that I change the channel constantly.  As a respite yesterday I went up on my page at Google + to catch up on those who friended me.

Well, it turned out these little Fish girls' parents friended me (that's a link to their Google+ page).  It's a good thing I always take the time to read a profile page or I might have missed this struggling life drama of a middle class family.  These little girls are real troopers and have been living in and out of hospitals since they were born.  Their parents are to be commended for going the distance with not just one child but now two with this rare problem. 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Social Poets: 2012 London Olympics: Olympic Boner, Funny Late Nite Jokes, Colbert, Stewart Videos

Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Social Poets: 2012 London Olympics: Olympic Boner, Funny Late Nite Jokes, Colbert, Stewart Videos: From Denny:  The London 2012 Olympics took the world TV watching community by storm in record numbers.

That, and with the global economic meltdown we are all too poor to go out so we holiday indoors with our monster TVs for free, right?  The Olympics have proven to be some exciting stuff, something for everyone.

Of course, our national comics have enjoyed a bit of commentary.  Enjoy the laughs as the Olympics winds down into its last week.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart video clips are sure to make you laugh right off your chair!  The Stewart clip about the rower with the "two mice hugging a banana" is funnier than the photo of the famous Olympic Boner.  All that for just a bronze medal? :)

Funny Nobody is Perfect Laptop Skins

Smile while you promote yourself with satire

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Social Poets: Obamas Axelrod, Bushs Rove: How Corrupt Are They? Have They Hurt The Country?

President Barack Obama talks with White House ...
President Barack Obama talks with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Advisor David Axelrod during the flight from Paris to Caen, Normandy, June 6, 2009 in the Boeing C-32A (usually the Vice President and First Family air plane) being used as Air Force One. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: Obamas Axelrod, Bushs Rove: How Corrupt Are They? Have They Hurt The Country?: From Denny:  If Obama's Axelrod's lips are moving, then it must be a lie.  Same goes for Bush's Rove.  They both have strongly demonstrated they are political opportunists and willing money whores, selling out to the highest bidder.

For more than the past four years I've watched this political strategist called David Axelrod.  He claims to be a Democrat but has yet to convince me this is true.

Like I said, his lips are moving but his deeds say different.  What has happened is that he has been found out in so many lies, misstatements and half-truths that they are piled so high upon one another like a pile of bones on a weathered battlefield - out in the open for all to see.

His latest gaffe is "leaking national security secrets" like the special computer virus that so annoyed the Iran regime at their nuclear facilities.  Of course, he "protests too much" that everyone strongly suspects he personally did it.

Funny Coffee Demand Men's Fitted T-Shirt

Ahem... COFFEE! with steaming cup of joe just in case anyone has any doubts as to what you need right now

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new! 
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 227 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs 1 August 2012

Week in the field—July 13th, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 227 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs 1 August 2012: From Denny:  With about 100 days until the 2012 election for a new President or a second term for President Obama, there is a lot stirring around in the news.  Both the Romney and Obama campaigns are working hard to influence opinion polls and the news coverage.

Somewhere along the way the truth has been buried.  Yet scandal after scandal emerges from the Obama administration while Romney stumbles with international gaffes.  All this explains why the polls reveal two-thirds of America thinks we are on the wrong track.

Funny Normal is Boring Organic Men's Fit Tee dk

Throw out your funny challenge of the day - Normal is Boring... Step Aside

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!  

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